
Uncover Your Unique Strengths with BestWork —
To Accelerate Your Personal Revolution

A major part of your personal revolution may involve discovering — or rediscovering — work that lights you up. After all, most of us invest countless hours in our careers, so why shouldn’t our professional lives reflect our real passions and strengths? That’s where psychometric assessments come in.

By measuring both personality traits and cognitive processing, these tools provide deep insight into how you’re wired — empowering you to make aligned career choices, excel in new roles, and thrive within teams. Gaining insights into how you feel, think and act will have benefits not only in your professional life but in your personal life as well.

Introducing BestWork

BestWork is a leading-edge system that combines two key assessment areas. First, it gauges core personality traits, drawn from the well-regarded Big Five model — universally recognized in both academic and corporate circles. These core traits remain relatively stable throughout your adult life and are strongly linked to performance in a wide variety of jobs, as well as how you relate to others in your personal life. By understanding your own personality profile, you’ll see how and where you naturally shine, as well as the kinds of environments that support your best work.

Second, BestWork includes a cognitive processing section — a timed challenge that measures how you process information. You have 15 minutes to tackle 60 questions, many of which resemble puzzles from the SAT or GRE. It’s designed to be intense yet brief, offering a clear snapshot of how you tackle problem-solving under pressure. Don’t worry if you don’t answer everything; most people don’t!

All of this takes under 30 minutes, but the insights can last a lifetime. In the Personal Revolution Program, these findings become a powerful compass for your next steps — whether that’s a career pivot, deeper leadership development, or simply identifying how to bring more fulfillment and effectiveness to your work and life. When you align who you are with what you do, the result is a profound boost to both your professional impact and overall life satisfaction.

Sample of a BestWork Report